Finetunes 06457
Finetunes 06457

finetunes 06457

finetunes 06457 finetunes 06457

All versions of the N 28 have 2 balanced (XLR) inputs as well as balanced output connections. Tie N 28 introduces a new execution of balanced circuitry called a DIDO (Differential In/Differential Out) that provides fully balanced operation throughout (not converting to single - ended for internal processing) wh le still rejecting common -mode noise from source inputs or arising withii the unit itself. Mark Levinson products have offered the advantages of balanced interconnection for many years. 15 ct Reader Service Cardĥ A NEW BALANCE / CO TUNER AVE I evinson TAPE R NR 28 PREAMPLIFIER.4'UT SELECTOR MONITOR SELECTOR RECORD SELECTOR OUTPUT LEVEL The Mark Levinson N 28 Preamp i- fier is at once a continuation of the Mark Levinson traditions of musicality and enduring quality, and ar entirely new implementation of technology that will set the pace for innovation in high-performance audio in the 1990's. 'lll CS RESEARCH 6029 Reseca Blvd, Tarzana, CA / Fax: 818/ Enter No. We will continue to create improvements in areas of psychoacoustic that others have yet to discover. The deep bass and midbass were tight and well -detailed" Dick Olsher Stereophile Vol. the tonal balance through the lower octaves was just right. They successfully integrated a subwoofer with the twitchy Martin -Logan. 1.,iogg-tlf ` ti "Kinergetics pulled off what I considered to be a near miracle. To this list I can now add Kinergetics Research." Dick Oisher Stereophile Vol. "A generation later, transistor designs by such companies as Levinson, Krell, and Threshold have gained my respect as being eminently musical despite their silicon hearts. I recommend it very highly, especially to those who have had monumental difficulty coming to any terms with thecd format." Neil Leveison Fanfare, Jan/Feb A!qEZBi ie c: n r m I.r 12, } ".Kinergetics offers its purchaser more than a glimpse of what the best CJ sound is all about." John Atkinson Stereophile Vol.


It? -11.o " r l J INNOVATIVE BEI'2IIEM1E "Kinercetc's KCD the first CD player to crack the Class 1 Sound barrier" Peter Montcriaff "International Audio Review", Hotline #P A, j r i ".Kinergetics KCD-40 has become an integral part of my playback system.

Finetunes 06457